Siamsa Dancers
Siamsa Dancers meet every Sunday evening at 7.30 at St Patrick’s Parish Centre, 100 Beaumont Leys Lane, Leicester LE4 2BD (see map)
Resumes on Sunday 8 January 2023 after the Christmas break.
Learn and enjoy:
- Set dancing (eight people dance in a square)
- Céilí dancing (generally progressive dances for any number of people)
- Also other social dances: waltz, foxtrot, quickstep
Cost: £2 to cover hall charge and light refreshments
No experience needed – and don’t worry if you are on your own, there will be a warm welcome.
Jo Edwards 0797 735 1901
Annie Gallagher 0757 628 6995
Be kind to your feet! Shoes should be comfortable and supportive to dance.